How do I get more attendee insights for an event?

Don't see the data you were expecting for a particular event? Activate Fusion on Demand

If you want to evaluate or access attendee insights for a specific event, but you're not finding much attendee data on the Vendelux platform, make sure to activate "Fusion".

You'll see the following button on every event detail page:

Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 11.32.47 AM

Once Fusion has been activated, the button will look like this:

Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 11.32.51 AM

Fusion acts as a prioritization system for our data engine. With over 180,000 B2B events being tracked on the Vendelux platform, we rely on our customers to inform us about the events they want us to focus on for gathering additional attendee insights.

Once Fusion is activated, our data engine will search for new attendee information on a daily basis for events that are 2 months away or less.

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