When will I see more confirmed attendees?

Seeing the majority of available attendee insights are "Predicted"? - Look here for more insight into the timeline for confirmed attendees!

The timeline of Confirmed attendee data:

During the period of 1 year to 6 months before the event start date, the information available on event listings is predominantly based on predictions. At this stage, attendees have not yet registered, and event organizers are diligently compiling their list of speakers and special guests.

From 6 months to 3 months before the event, organizers are typically in the final stages of selecting their speakers and sponsors, and the first attendees who have confirmed their attendance start to come in.

From 2 months to 1 month before the event, the Vendelux listing starts to include the initial group of registered attendees. During this period, early ticket buyers often make their presence at the event publicly known. Event organizers also gain a deeper understanding of the expected attendance and provide sponsors with valuable resources like pre-registration lists, which offer insights into the job titles and companies that are scheduled to participate in the event.

During the period of 1 month to 1 week prior to the event, it has become common for most event attendees to purchase their tickets within this timeframe, especially in a post-COVID world. This is when you can anticipate the highest surge in the number of attendees.

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